LinTRAK C RAIN RFID (UHF) tags have been specifically designed to identify linen and textile products to meet the tracking requirements of the laundry industry in terms of shape, robustness and ease of fixation. LinTRAK C is based on a unique and patented concept developed by Invengo. It uses a very small UHF device coupled to a sewed secondary antenna made of an innovative and flexible thread.
Пассивная мягкие метки
Полотенец, постельного белья, одежды, униформы
Диапазон частот
860-960 МГц
20 * 60 * 2,1 мм
Дальность чтения
3 м
Monza 5
Laundry cycle performance
Рабочие температуры
220°C / 30 seconds
2,5 bars (36,28 PSI)
Tunnel Washer
90°C / 15 minutes
Pre-drying in Tumbler
160°C / 30 minutes
Tunnel Finisher
185°C / 30 minutes
Sterilization Process
134°C / 30 minutes
Water Extractor Press
60 bars
200 cycles or 3 years
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